Your generous tax-deductible donation helps save lives.
We provide K-9 Search and Rescue (SAR) resources as a service to the state of Virginia and other states by request at no cost to taxpayers. K-9 Alert is an all volunteer non-profit organization and our members are not compensated. Each K-9 handler is self funded and spends (on average) $5,000 / year. 100% of your donations go towards training, equipment, supplies for K-9 Alert members and our operational expenses.
We operate as a tax exempt nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c)(3). You can download a copy of this letter for tax purposes for donating to our group, if you have any issues please contact us.
Make check payable to:
K-9 Alert Search and Rescue Dogs Inc.
Mail to:
K9 Alert SAR Dogs Inc
101 Pinetta Dr.
PO Box 36648
North Chesterfield, VA 23235